
Eye to eye with a Great Horned Owl.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Home for a wedding

Yesterday I was at the lakeside chapel where my niece is getting married today and saw this interesting arrangement of cirrus clouds over the trees. Thought it would be an appropriate image to put up on Amy's wedding day.

We drove over to the Turtle Mountains from Grand Forks yesterday after what can only be described as an "interesting" flight experience from New York the day before. The bad stuff all happened on the 12th, the 13th was a fine day. On our way to Lake Metigoshe, we passed through Rugby, ND, the world famous (not) geographical center of the North American continent. Of course, I had to get a shot of that august landmark.

And here's a color shot of the tree and clouds.

And, of course, a shot of the reason for this trip -- the happy couple. Meet my niece Amy and her, still (until this afternoon), husband-to-be, Brian.

And that's all for now, I have to get ready for the ceremony. I may even take a camera.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Out of Season / Out to Lunch

Once again I have been remiss. A week got away from me and I didn't  get any blogs written or a new homepage image posted until a whole day after the end of the second week! Oh my! Such remissance! Surly cyber devils from internet hell will be let loose upon me and assured destruction must inevitably follow. Oh, wait! Nobody is paying any attention anyway so it's all good. I may survive to screw-up again. 

It has been a very busy couple of weeks what with finally getting serious about getting my "stuff" together for my featured artist gig at the Adirondack Artists' Gallery and doing a second photo workshop at Sagamore etc, etc, the days, and nights, have been pretty full. Truth be told, I just never grabbed myself by the scruff of the neck and sat my butt down to do what I finally got around to doing right now.

The image at the top, "Mayfly in July", was taken a couple of months ago when there was a late hatch of Mayflies here abouts and the things were all over everything for a few days. This one was perched on the window sill of our front window and didn't seem much inclined to fly anywhere. So I shot it--with a camera, of course.